Sunday, October 2, 2016

Ööloom Sleeping Masks Packaging Redesign

Creative Agency: Age McCann
Designer: Johan Kallas
Illustrator Karmen Heinmaa
Copywriter Mihkel Virkus
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Ööloom Sleeping Products
Location: Tallinn, Estonia
Packaging Contents: Sleeping mask
Packaging Materials: Cardboard

The redesign of Ööloom Sleeping mask packages was a particularly difficult one. We had a lot of problems to solve. The task was to design a package that could fit in a variety of sleeping masks, with different animal shapes. The package had to be highly visible in stores and grant people quick and easy access to the product. It had to be durable so the product wouldn't be damaged when shipped via post. It had to be big enough so we could tell the brands story and small enough the packages could be easily stored. And all these problems had to be solved with a reasonably small budget. The solution is ingenious and simple! We used cardboard to create sleeves and rubber string on the sleeping mask itself is used to fix the product to the package. We covered the sleeves with crazy dream-like illustrations and had enough space to spare to tell the story of our brand! The package is raw like a nap that's been cut short by that pesky old foe – morning. And the illustration that cover it are a bit silly, like all dreams worth sharing.

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